By 1671, Askiminokonson proved to be the largest Native American town in what is now the State of Maryland. Indigenous peoples from various communities, including the Pocomoke, Annamessex, Manokin, Nasswattex, and Acquintica, lived here. Mention of Askiminokonson appears multiple times in the “Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1667-1687/8” archival record, particularly in relation to efforts to set aside reservation lands exclusively for Indigenous occupancy. This document assigned settler representatives “to meete, consult and enquire into the premisses and to allot and ascertaine to the said Indians such a quantity or portion of land in such place as to them shall seeme meete and convenient, least injurious to the English, and most satisfactory to the Indians, the said land soe to be ascertained, to be layd out and marked and bounded where it shall be necessary. To the end that as well the said Indians as also the English themselves may know each others bounds, and not incroach upon, annoy, or disturb one the other.”
Askiminokonson is located in present day Worcester County, Maryland, but its influence can be seen in surrounding territories as well. For instance, the Pocomoke Sound, located on the southern coast of Somerset County, takes its name from the Pocomoke people who lived at Askiminokonson and whose descendants continue to reside in the area.
Image: Askiminokonson Indian Town Historical Marker (Maryland Historical Trust).jpeg
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